Here you’ll find things we talked about on the My 95.7 Morning Show and other ramblings!

Who was Rosie the Riveter?
Saturday, March 8th is International Women's Day, we had Briana Fiandt from The Richard I Bong Veterans Historical Center on today to tell some stories about local Rosie's, here is some of the stories. Who was Rosie the Riveter? She was one of the most successful recruitment tools in American history. The campaign foc...
Mar 07, 2025

Rich & Maddie visit Vikre
Maddie and I are doing this thing we are calling The Rich & Maddie Summer Internship, where we visit different businesses in the Northland and learn what they do and then try our hand at it. This is video from the second location we went to at Vikre, Thanks to the crew at Vikre for having us and especially Carrie...
Jun 01, 2023

Rich & Maddie visit Duluth Pack
So Maddie and I are doing this thing we are calling The Rich & Maddie Summer Internship, where we visit different businesses in the Northland and learn what they do and then try our hand at it. This is video from the first one we did at Duluth Pack, our thanks to Tom for giving us the tour. If you have a place you...
May 24, 2023

Rich visits Piedmont Elementary
Rich had the opportunity to visit Miss Mary's class at Piedmont Elementary and talk about radio and music. Below is some audio the kids recorded.
May 19, 2022

Mark McGrath on the My Morning Show
Mark McGrath from Sugar Ray is coming to Black Bear Casino as part of the Ezra, Ray, Hart show on Friday, April 22nd. Rich caught up with Mark on the My Morning Show. Get tickets
Apr 15, 2022

2nd grade teacher gets disconnected from Zoom call - What do the kids do?
When a 2nd grade teacher at Parkland Elementary in Texas lost internet and left of her virtual classroom, Karen stepped in!
Dec 01, 2020
State Fair Food Parade
My favorite part of the Minnesota State Fair is definitely the food. So I think a trip to the just announced State Fair Food Parade may be in order. It will feature 16 vendors and run on Aug. 20-23, 27-30 and Sept. 3-7! A limited number of vehicle tickets will be sold and must be purchased online. Each vehicle ticket...
Jul 22, 2020
Netflix & Chill'd
Ben & Jerry's just created a new ice cream flavor called Netflix & Chill'd. It's peanut butter ice cream with pretzel swirls and pieces of brownie inside. "There's something for everyone to watch on Netflix & flavors for everyone to enjoy from Ben & Jerry's, so we've teamed up to bri...
Jan 21, 2020
Do we need MayoChup, MayoCue or MayoMust?
Two new mayonnaise mashups will be joining Mayochup on shelves - both online and retail - The success of Mayochup - a bottled blend of ketchup and mayonnaise that created a buzz on social media in 2018 - has inspired Mayocue and Mayomust, mayonnaise with barbecue sauce and mustard, respectively, the company announced....
Mar 06, 2019